
Showing posts from January, 2005

Just an additional

Hi wa jadi penasaran kali yang baca ini cuma dua orang (tiga ma wa). Tapi gpp, lagian klo blog yang lain khan pada lengkap lengkap gitu, klo wa kayaknya ini aja dah cukup. Karena wa saat ini hanya konsen untuk numpahin inspirasi wa tentang kalimat ke sesuatu jadi ya ini sepertinya a good idea gitu loh. BTW kakak zo bakal pergi, kak uli makin parah moodnya karena ditinggal sahabat and sodara dekatnya, kak nora makin moody juga karena makin dikit anak gadisnya, wa jadi sedih karena merasa sendirian lagi (well almost) and makin males aja. Yah tapi namanya pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan (sok bijaksana wei), and yang pasti wa malu banget gara gara kak uli pake umumin rencana wa nikah ni taon. Khan jadi malu tuh (muka wa merah kayak tomat busuk (busuk kok merah sih, khan item). Mana bu endang ma pak jam ma pak vir semangat abis lagi ngebahasnya. Tadi wa jalan jalan bentar liatin blog blog orang lain, waduh bagus bagus banget wa jadi segan gabung nih ma mereka semua, (well like in my poem a...


Night…night…night… Day…day…day… Laugh…laugh…laugh… Cry…cry…cry… Tears…smile… What a circle of life and love Isn’t it C ya

Another Poet

And there goes some lover Go away far from the crowd And i'm standing here Just like a fool who try to kill all of them Jealously Come straight into my heart And put all of my power out It seems no use trying becoming a hero It better for me to become a fool Really fool or they called as a dumb Cry That not my type Not at all It useless Very Don’t ask why ‘coz I don’t know Desperate It’s my very best friend I’m standing alone But I think its better then trying to fooling everyone To show them how best I am This heart beating up just to wait the time The time to go to see my lord Hope He will have a little love for me to live with Him Even it so little I’ll be happy Hey world Thanks For everything even though it’s hurt Even though I have to crawl every time Thank for let me be the one of u BYE ALL

Puisi Ngaco tapi Lumayan dah

Run in the dark Walk in the light Dog do bark When he want fight When human go nuts They always get their guts When they don’t do nuts They lost their guts What insanity So why we pretend to do the other way Just follow your way You’ll find the real one Love, dead, friends and live Don’t cry for a little torture Laugh for it Then it will go away When you smile The world become better When you cry Your soul become great But when you mumbling They become darker Darker And scary Just smile And everything will come near you Bring the happiness Not the sadness Get other sadness From peoples Then switch it with happiness For peoples Mother will love you more then others ‘coz she is the greatest one ‘coz she is the mother of we all She is the mother of nature Our beloved lover And our true friends Don’t betrayed on her That’s all folks C’ ya in another chance

Sedih banget

Baru masuk 2005 wa harus jauhan lagi ma kakak caem wa. Waduh sori ga pake perkenalan yang jadi kakak caem wa ya itu rekan kerja yang agak tuaan dikit dari wa, nah dianya mo balik ke pbr ( katanya mo kerja ma nikah abis tuh kawin. Mana ngasih taunya dadakan lagi, kita khan belom nyiapin ekspresi, jadinya malah bengong aja kaya cecep. Duh sedih banget, taon lalu mami wa yang cabut balik ke ceko pas abis pemilu apa agustusan ya, dah tuh musuh gw yang lumayan dah bandelnya nyusul bulan desember. Ini kakak wa nyusul lagi abis taon baru ma bencana aceh. Wa jadi serem sendiri, karena ceweknya yang singel tinggal dua yaitu k'uli ma k'nora. Nah lo kalo nih dua kabur juga, alamat di kantor ini isinya cuma bapak bapak ma ibu ibu (ibunya cuma tiga orang lagi). Gawat gawat, wa siap siap dah tuk kabur juga tapi ntar klo kuliah wa ama dana tabunga wa cukup Wa ada puisi tapi ngaco ntar lagi wa post ya. CIAW