
This the last harbour we can reach together
With this old ship
With the old captain
And with the happy crew

This day will be separated
Separated by distance
Separated by time

Do we separated our soul??
With all angels, I don't think so
You'll stay here inside my memory

For now
At this harbour
I'll tell you something
We'll in one ship again
With another Captain
And of course the ship

For now
Sayonara my friend
Till we meet again in a happy and lovely day


WeSy 'CiCi' said…
bakal kangen ma rozi neh.
terutama cela2annya ma gw
Spedaman said…
lho emang Rozi mo kemana niy??
semoga sukses ditempat yg baru ya!
Anonymous said…
terasa sepi :(
sbg tetangga yg biasa liat ada yg sliweran terasa jg kehilangan..

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