
at last...
I have finished the last exam to get the title..well except the "SIDANG SKRIPSI"
Yesterday, yes yesterday is the day where I met my friends in complete team at the university.
And yes, we all only have to face the last challange which is SKRIPSI and SIDANG.
Then we are the real graduation with 1st Strata Title.(maksudnya S1 lah)
And in that day we (or som of us) felt sad (almost all of us hold it inside our soul).
Well it is because we have to spread out or in military sez disperse.
But, is it only here our friendship guys?
Nop, i sez no, 'coz if you are my friend you will in my heart till the last day but if you are my enemy we can change it to a new status become a friend.

And this happened too in my company where i work for.
A few people will leave us and will be change with a new one (either the new one are bastard or an angel we have to welcome them).

My friend ... fisically yes you are left us here but not in your and my heart.
You are our new uncle, father, mother, brother, sister either lover.
Yes ... and because of it.
I'll, no..not i but we, we will always be a little family and friend.
And because of it we will stay keep in touch
we will and always.

And to answer the question above I would say No, it's not over, it never be over.
For friendship there is no the end, no accomplished, no there is nothing like that.
There is only an immortality yes an immortality friendship.

This words are for you MY FRIEND
To convince you that we will and always be on your side when you are need us



Way said…
Kapan mo wisudanya ? perlu aku wakilin gak orang tua mu ? ya at least gak usah bayarin tiket PP JKT-MEDAN kan cukup siapin aja kartu timezone senilai 1 juta :D

Aku joki parent bersertifikat lho ;p
poetrider said…
sumpah deh mas mending aku bayarin tiket bonyok pp dari pada ngebeliin mas kartu timezone. kesian ngeliat timezonyanya ntar bangkrut terus kalo mas yang main baru maen 4000 aja dahdapat 80 tiket lebih gimana kalo satu juta!!! tutup deh timezone nya

Kalo mas yang bokapnya lah yang nyokapnya siapa masa jadi orang tua tunggal hehehehe
either lover ??? siapa nih wihh perlu klarifikasi, hmm ema ya, atau nia atau jangan2 hmm dinal ya dek ha..ha..ha..

bener tuh mas way, ga pa2 deh aku juga mau mewakili di hari wisuda mu itu dek
poetrider said…
*pake tereak biar sekampung dengar*
KAKAAAAAK Gak mungkinlah aku sama Nia and Dinal, err klo Erma??? JUGA GAK MUNGKIN. Sembarangan yah aku tuh ngomongin gak cuma tentang aku, itu tentang Reime Family. OKEH.
Tapi klo ditanya siapa aku sukanya samaaaaa..... errr ah malu jadinya aku samaaaa.... gak jadi deh males.
En makasih ya mo jadi wakil aku tapi sumpah deh aku harus bawa ortu aku kalo wisuda ntar secara kemaren gak komplet wisudanya waktu D3 hiks...hiks...
L. Pralangga said…
It nice to erad this one's entry, now you've got friends from that closest corner to the one across the seas..

Kind regards from West Africa.. :)
guario said…
waaaaaaaaahhh dek rozi ini banyak yang mau ngewakilin yaaaaaa...

tapi, ngapain sih ikutan wisuda:D? ribet kaaannn... hehe...
poetrider said…
om lui: please hve my warm hug and regards too from medan and jakarta

Mas rio(om yo atawa bang yo) :
Tujuan ikut wisuda
1.biar bisa nampang
2.sayangkhan dah bayar
3.lumayan mbantu tukang cuci baju wisuda
4.pembenaran diri bahwa udah lulus

yang mo ngewakilin aku itu emang banyak secara kita anak rantau getoh .

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